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Kemi Williams was the President of Spina Bifida of San Diego (SBSD) for many years.  She was the heart and soul of this organization who shared her talents and time willingly with others.  Kemi knew what it felt like to be a young person facing a lifelong disability without a support group, and she was committed to making sure that others didn’t have to face those same challenges alone.  She was a true advocate for the Spina Bifida community in San Diego and was passionate in her support of teenagers and young adults to continue their education and to always BELIEVE in themselves and what they could achieve. 


It is our hope that Kemi’s strength of character, generous spirit, and belief in the potential of every young person will live on with this scholarship.


The scholarship is a $1000 award (provided by check) per year to 2  different persons (for a total of $2,000 awarded per year). 


The scholarship’s objective is to provide monetary help to somebody who wants to improve any skill that will help with a job or towards a more independent life.

  • Any college

  • Language

  • Vocational school

  • Occupational therapy 

  • Adult education classes.

  • Cooking lessons

  • Driving lessons

  • School books

  • sports 


The Kemi Williams “Believe” Scholarship will be Awarded Annually in the month of December.

Applications Open: October 1st of the current year

Application Deadline: November 30th of the current year


  1. Must have any form of Spina Bifida or any Spinal cord injury

  2. Residency in the San Diego County and Imperial Valley area

  3. Ages 13 to 99 years old

  4. Willing to share your story/picture on the Spina Bifida of San Diego website

  5. Preferably able to attend the December Winter Bifida event to personally be awarded.


Requirement: Essay explaining who you are and how you would use this money to develop a skill or better yourself through education. No minimum length requirement but no longer than 600 words.


How to Apply

  1. Applications are Open: Between Oct 1st and November 30th 2024, click the following link to complete the Application Form.

  2. Once you have completed the form, click submit, and the decision panel will automatically receive it.

  3. The Spina Bifida of San Diego board will review all applications.

  4. We will notify the results first week of December 2024


Immediate family members of the board are not eligible to apply.

What's Next


Applications will be accepted until Nov 30th  2024 at 11:59 pm PST, annually.

Applications will be reviewed based on the eligibility requirements, and a majority decision will be granted to 2 different applicants.

The results will be posted on the SBSD website  by December 8th of the current year and will be awarded annually by December 31st. (This year in Winter Bifida 2024)

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